Artists earn up to 500x more than streaming alone.

Introducing GoGoods® Cloud Collectible Music™ (CCM). Fans get the same rights that they enjoy with their physical goods, and the convenience of the Cloud. DSPs gain an additional revenue stream (that pays Artists well). Rights Holders get additional income and transparency. Plus, unlike all other formats, rights holders get paid on every transfer of ownership, forever.

An Equitable, Eco-friendly, Ecosystem.

The backbone of a new digital marketplace, uniting everyone. Consumers get goods that go everywhere they go. Rights Holders, Labels, and DSPs all benefit from an infinite revenue stream.


Provide the option to have Cloud Collectible Music (CCM) as a choice to help your Artists gain up to 500x over streaming alone.
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Earn more money at scale. Artists can keep a 4-6 week drip plan with streaming and earn up to 500x more than streaming alone alone through their Cloud Collectible Music (CCM) sales.
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Artists / Rights Holders.

Rights Holders will earn up to 500x over streaming alone, get paid quickly (there’s no waiting for listeners to press “Play”). No cash outlay. Plus, get paid with every change of ownership of each Cloud Collectible Music (CCM), forever.
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*Split: 70% Rights Holders; 20% DSP; 10% GoGoods


Cloud Collectibles Music™ is additive to your revenue. Keep your streaming income, plus get an additional third of your monthly revenue from a single sale (while the lion’s share of the money goes to the rights holder - as it should).
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Save time & money with GoGoods RoundTrip™ Provide the Collectibles that Superfans want to own. Even offer exclusive Cloud Collectibles only available on your Storefront.
Keep your silo. Add delivery.
With GoGoods RoundTrip, there’s no need to build a Cloud Collectible Storefront. Begin testing within weeks.

A word about Vinyl.

We love Vinyl. We own it ourselves. But, today’s Vinyl is not always used for consumption like it was in its heyday. In fact, according to Luminate, 50% of Vinyl buyers in 2023 don’t own a player. That’s because Vinyl has transitioned to a Collectible. The good news is, Superfans have a physical Collectible that they can display at their home, and Artists have an increase in revenue over Streaming. But, the not so good news?
It’s costly
Artists have to pay cash upfront to create Vinyl, and pay someone to fulfill it.
It’s cumbersome
Transporting Vinyl as merch is challenging. Fans who buy early have to carry it around until they get home (without bending or worse).
It’s fragile
Vinyl can melt, break and get scratched.
It’s old tech
Vinyl is a 70 year old data storage technology that can only be played at home.

A Spin on Vinyl vs. Cloud Collectible Music (CCM).

GoGoods® CCM
Is it Collectible?
Cost to Artist
Retail Price
Gross Profit
Where to Play
Resale Income

How GoGoods complements Vinyl.

Vinyl is challenged by two things: Delivery & Portability. “Delivery” is the time that it takes to create the Vinyl and ship it to the fan. “Portability” is that once a fan receives the Vinyl, they can’t play it in their car, on a jog, etc (heck, according to Luminate, only 50% of those who buy Vinyl don't have a player to play it on).
The GoGoods Solution
GoGoods solves this by pairing a Cloud Collectible Music (CCM) with the Vinyl on purchase. This way, the fan gets the ability to play a digital copy no matter where they are. When the Vinyl arrives, they now have their showpiece.

A word about Downloads.

We loved the idea of Downloads. In 2003. The idea that you could think of a song or an album and simply search and download it was amazing. No more running to the Record Store only to discover that they didn’t have the single, or Album we were looking for. Then, having to wait for it to be mailed (or having to hike to another Record Store). But, the not so good news?
Buyers don’t truly own them
Unlike every format before it, buyers only had a license to press play. It’s actually Illegal to resell or gift a download after purchase.
Buyers are trapped in a silo
Downloads are bundled to the DSP they purchased from. If buyers want to play on another DSP, they have to repurchase.
Buyers can lose access
Even after purchase, if the Rights Holder decides to pull the Music from a DSP, buyers lose access as well, instantly.
No Collectibility
Downloads are provided in unlimited quantity. This provides no scarcity or value beyond the initial purchase. No reason to collect.

Downloads vs. Cloud Collectibles

GoGoods® CCM
Is it Collectible?
Limited Quantity
Retail Price
Gross Profit
Resell or Gift
Resale Income

How GoGoods complements Downloads.

TL;DR We don’t. Downloads were a good start in 2003. But, GoGoods takes it to 11. When Steve Jobs announced the iTunes Store on April 28, 2003 he said that our digital music would have “a broad set of personal use rights”.  Most of us thought that meant it was just like our other music formats: Vinyl; 8-Tracks; Cassettes; and CDs. But, we would have been mistaken. It was (and still is) illegal for buyers of Downloads to resell and even gift (after a purchase).

Downloads were a good start to usher in the digital music age, but they fell short. GoGoods has picked up where Downloads left off and like all previous formats: Vinyl; 8-tracks; Cassettes and CDs, GoGoods® Cloud Collectible Music is limited edition and can be resold and even gifted.
GoGoods® advantage over physical music formats
Like physical formats Cloud Collectible Music™ can be resold and gifted. Unlike physical music, with GoGoods® Rights Holders are paid every single time that ownership transfers hands, forever.
"Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac (1977).

A word about Streaming.

Wow. Nearly every song in the world for $120/year? This took the concept of Digital Downloads to a whole new level. Not only did we have the convenience of skipping the Record Store, but now, we have access to everything. Streaming is an amazing discovery tool. Curated playlists keep the tunes flowing all day. The not so good news?
Artists Compensation
Because Artists are paid only for listens to each track at $0.003 to $0.005 per stream, many Artists struggle.
You get what you pay for
Subscribers also don’t get what they don’t pay for. If they stop paying, they stop playing.
Subscribers can lose access
Even after purchase, if the Rights Holder decides to pull the Music from a DSP, buyers lose access as well, instantly.
No Collectibility
Subscribers can’t collect a Stream. It’s illegal. Like Downloads they only have a license to press “Play”.

Streaming vs. Cloud Collectibles

GoGoods® CCM
Is it Collectible?
Limited Quantity
Retail Price
Keep the Music
Resell or Gift
Resale Income

How GoGoods complements Streaming.

GoGoods provides a non-exclusive agreement.
Even though an Artist can release their entire Album to Streaming on the same day that they release their Cloud Collectible Music™, it would seem to incentivize Superfans more if they wait. For example, today there are many Artists who drip a track to streaming every four to six weeks. By continuing this process, they offer incentive to Superfans to buy their Cloud Collectible Music, while still maintaining a Streaming presence. If they hold back one or two songs at the end, it may still provide the incentive for Superfans (and fans) to purchase the Cloud Collectible Music, which offers more immediate revenue than Streaming.
Drip to Streaming every 4 to 6 weeks.
This provides discoverability and additional income over time. It also provides incentive for fans to buy the full Album now vs. waiting for a year to have every track reach streaming.

GoGoods® is working with these fine organizations to ensure standardization at scale.